Am I a massive pudding killjoy?

cake custard

School dinners, school dinners,

Chocolate Krispie square.

Artic roll, lemon sponge,

Jelly and custard everywhere!

Call me a ‘pudding killjoy’ but my kids get enough sugar in their diets without a sweet dessert after ever meal.
Last week I wrote about my 4-year-old junkie. Luckily we had 4 or 5 days of cold turkey and she is now dummy free. Unfortunately she has now been sucked in to the education system and started to get used to hot meals and puddings at school. All loaded with sweetness giving her a real taste for SUGAR.
Thanks to our ever so popular current government, every primary school child is now entitled to a free school meal. I am not trying to sound ungrateful but are these people mental? This week she has the following:
  • Jam sponge with strawberry sauce,
  • jelly and ice-cream,
  • chocolate Krispie cake,
  • banana cake and custard
  • Crunchie cookie with fruit.
These pudding are massive and are given to the kids regardless of if they eat their main dinner. They are loaded with unhealthy fats and sugars.
Is no one else bothered by this? Am I being a sugar Nazi?

With such high obesity problems and tooth decay in the UK is in unrealistic to expect our free school meals to actually be healthy?

And what exactly is classed as healthy these days?
I was under the impression that a simple carrot stick was a good option for a lunch time side snack, but I am now informed by our school that tinned baked beans are actually one of your 5 a day!
Enough is enough.
I do not want my kids to become sugar junkies so I’m sticking with our packed lunches. Do you think the government will send me £2.10 a day to make our own healthy lunch?
Eden food menu
I think not.

I’m supporting a local petition to get such unhealthy puddings off the menu 5 days a week for our kids.

What’s wrong with just giving them an apple some days?.
Is it really that hard?
I’m not asking for puddings to disappear completely but get rid of the sugar loaded options ever day of the week. Even kids are starting to realise these are not healthy options. More about the petition here.
What do you think of the menu in Brighton and Hove schools from Eden?
Am I a massive pudding killjoy?

6 Responses to “Am I a massive pudding killjoy?”

  1. 1 Lulu October 8, 2014 at 10:13

    Eden will just say that they offer fruit as an option every single day….

  2. 2 Maddie Sinclair October 8, 2014 at 12:03

    Being Australian, I find the whole ‘hot meal at school’ thing very weird. Not that I’m complaining, but you’re right about the pudding element. Surely not having a pudding every day must be healthier???

  3. 3 Nutritious Deliciousness October 9, 2014 at 20:53

    I totally agree, have written a post on this myself, my 4yo is not having puds, just the yogurt & fruit option. I’ve relayed my unease about the whole menu and have a few things to look into, but will have a look at your petition link too. The reason I let her have the “free” (no such thing) lunch is to socialise but the menu really is stressing me out! 🙂

  4. 5 Coombe Mill October 10, 2014 at 14:04

    I will only let mine have them once a week. Mine are year six and portions of everything are small for them and not healthy either. They are starving when they come home and one day costs me £7, that’s a lot of healthy packed lunches!

    • 6 a field somewhere October 10, 2014 at 19:51

      My 4 year old was coming home starving at 3pm after a school meal so there is no way they would feed a 12 year old. Our eldest, who’s 9 hasn’t had school dinners for a few years. She’s much happier with a packed lunch.

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